Attention: Saints of The One True God ... And The Hungry!
Is The End Near?
As You and I Both Know, There's Quite a Bit Going on in Our World Today ...
... Could The Glorious Return of Our Lord Be Inching Closer and Closer?
... Could The Glorious Return of Our Lord Be Inching Closer and Closer?
From The Desk of William Ballard
Dear Reader,
Whether you hear it on the news, or read about it in the headlines, we're living in some very unique and trying times.
With that said, what we've come to find is that in times of crisis the deepest needs are always spiritual.
You see, when someone faces evil, or the loss of a loved one, or experiences deep mental and emotional pain, it begs the question:
"Is there something greater? Is there still hope?"
Truth be told, I'm always amazed at how God works through the generosity of His called and chosen people.
You see, it's through the generosity of people like you that has allowed us the ability to launch this new project in order to be able to provide Biblical answers to some of the most important spiritual questions of today -- especially in times like these!
Introducing The Apostolic Ministry Newsletter
My name is William Ballard and I'm the founder and CEO of William Ballard & Associates, LLC.
Yes, I'm a local small business owner and entrepreneur, but more importantly, I'm a born again believer, and a member of the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI).
With that said, it's my esteemed honor and pleasure to be able to introduce you to the Apostolic Ministry Newsletter.
Now, it's important to understand, from the outset, that this is no ordinary newsletter.
You see, in all transparency, this resource is not part of a "ministry", per se, in the sense that it's not part of a 501c3 or not-for-profit organization.
In other words, this newsletter is another revenue stream for our company, however ... 30% of everything we make here is sent back into the ministry as a donation from our company.
You see, at the end of every quarter, we take the amount we earn from this stream and repurpose it back into our local apostolic churches, our State district headquarters, as well as to Global Missions.
The purpose for this is to able to create a compound interest effect within the generous support of our subscribers and supporters.
A Humble Beginning
We are so humbled by the way God is using our company for His purpose in these trying times. And despite how things may seem around the world these days, His sovereign hand is still working.
Within every article we publish, video we post, or ministry story we share, you are making a profound difference in the lives of many. And we thank God for you!
It's through your generous support that we are able to reach people at their time of serious spiritual need.
As the time of Christ's return draws ever so nearer, and tribulation increases across this land, it is even more critical for us to expand our reach to those in dire spiritual need.
Here is just a little bit of what you'll discover inside this world changing newsletter:
- Bible Studies - Every month we provide a new Bible study that is based on sound doctrine that is rightly divided by the word of truth (ex: The Oneness of God, The Plan of Salvation, a Pursuit of Holiness, and so on).
- Interviews -- We also look forward to being able to provide occasional interviews with some of the most well known authors and speakers within our movement (such as Rev. David K. Bernard, Rev. David Norris, Rev. Daniel L. Segraves, and so many more).
- Boots on The Ground Stories -- In the business world some might refer to these as "case studies", but for us these are real life stories and testimonials of how your generous support is making a huge difference locally and abroad for the Kingdom of God.
In short, we're extremely excited about this new project and can't wait to have you become a part of it!
Through your monthly support of $27 dollars, we'll be able to be there in the midst of each readers spiritual need, proclaiming,
"Yes, there is hope! Yes, there is a God in heaven who truly cares for you!
Come to Him today while there is still time!"
Come to Him today while there is still time!"
Thank you! Your partnership in this area is reaching every hungry soul through every available means at every available opportunity with the message of hope in Christ Jesus.
What You Will Get When You Subscribe Today!
We're currently in the process of starting a new series, The 23 Laws of Spiritual Growth. This is one we're extremely excited about and can't wait to share with you.
This is a five part series, and below is just a piece of what you can expect to find inside. However, this doesn't even touch the surface on what you're about to experience when you subscribe today.
Part 1: The New Birth (Salvation)
Part 2: An Intimate Relationship With God
P.S. We don't know what your spiritual or financial situation may look like when you read this letter, but we do know ONE thing ... the spiritual need is great!
Thank you, again, for your support in bringing the Truth of God's Word to our nation and world at large.
By God's grace, and through your monthly support of $27 dollars, we will press on to meet every spiritual need with the message of Christ Jesus!
Dedicated to Reaching the Lost, and Encouraging the Found, in Jesus Name!
William Ballard, MBA
CEO and Founder of William Ballard & Associates, LLC
Kingdom Servant | Business Coach | Marketing Consultant | Author | Creative Entrepreneur
Thank you, again, for your support in bringing the Truth of God's Word to our nation and world at large.
By God's grace, and through your monthly support of $27 dollars, we will press on to meet every spiritual need with the message of Christ Jesus!
Dedicated to Reaching the Lost, and Encouraging the Found, in Jesus Name!
William Ballard, MBA
CEO and Founder of William Ballard & Associates, LLC
Kingdom Servant | Business Coach | Marketing Consultant | Author | Creative Entrepreneur