Regardless of who your ideal book reader may be, and the modifications you make in your book’s marketing message, and regardless of the marketing mix you use to deliver the presentation of your book’s marketing message, there are some key ideas to keep in mind about making the right presentation for marketing your book.
What I'm about to do right now, not many writers and authors would be willing to do or say. I am going to take this moment to become as transparent as possible. I wrote my first physical book in July of 2014, and unbelievably, it was not as successful as I hoped. Want to know why? It was because I rushed it. I wrote the book and tossed it outside into the ether expecting it do something magical. Remember what I said in the introduction? “Dreamers fantasize but thinkers materialize.” Well, with that first book, I did more fantasizing than I did thinking and materializing. I had no book-marketing plan, no plan to put to work at all. |